Bliss, Family, Reflections

2 Years of Bliss

2 years ago, 0719hrs, C-section at Prime Hospital, Dubai. I met you, Bliss Giane.

My life has changed…forever!

I am grateful to see how much you’ve grown, I love your curious and adventurous personality, your infectious laughter, and your insistent determination.

You are the sweetest spirit but also have a commanding attitude that lets us know you are fearless, strong-willed and independent.

I realize it when you make crystal clear requests for what you want to eat: “milk” “mango”, “chicken and rice

I notice it when you direct to play a game: “Daddy shadow”. “Mommy basketball Giane”. “ Daddy hide”. Obviously, we’re still working on prepositions.

I recognize when you ask questions and want direct answers: “Lola, why are you crying?” – when we lost our relatives in the province, “What is that? – when you hear a sound, “What happened? – when something is broken, “Sorry” – when you upset yourself.

I want to cry whenever you wake up and say “Good morning, Mommy” “Wake up, Daddy” and “Mommy Daddy… office!”

Always remember, Papa Jesus loves you a hundred million times more than Mommy and Daddy can ever love you. You are loved, blessed and beautiful.

You’re like a sponge, trying to soak up everything you can. You have mastered all the letters in the alphabet, counting to 20, expressing your needs and desires with phrases and sentences rather than whines well before you turned 2.

I can’t wait to have conversations with you about life and answer all of your questions about boys (ahem… will I ever be ready for this?), hair, careers, love, faith and anything else you want to know.

I pride myself on teaching you at a young age, exposing you practical life works that provide mental and emotional stimulation and challenges your little brain every day.
I may not know what career you will go into when you grow up but I am certain that the sky’s the limit because that’s how I plan to raise you.

Thank you for the 2 years of Bliss-ful MOMents

As you journey into the tremendous twos, I’m filled with anticipation to watch you become more and more uniquely you. Daddy Neo and I hope you always live your life with that contagious energy you seem to never run out of from the moment you open your eyes until bedtime every day.

Happy birthday! We love you so much, Bliss Giane.

I am blessed beyond!



All photos are captured by Raket NAP. To book for newborn/ maternity/ family shoots, you may also check him on Social Media to see more of his works or check out the hashtag #RaketNAP on Instagram!


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1 thought on “2 Years of Bliss”

  1. A blessed and blissful 2nd birthday to you my dear Giane 💕 Am so grateful to have watched you grow and excited to see you as a fine young lady a few years from now 🤗 Ninang Joy loves you and prays for you always 😘


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